Lumpy Potato Lady a True Life Story...... May 26 2021
So this week I came out in the open as Lumpy Potato Lady. My alter ego on instagram since October 2019.
This was after I went to my GP for a health check to be told I was an obese (bmi 31) sedentary alcoholic. I have a border collie which I walk every day around 5000 steps but apparently walking didn't count (computer said no) as it doesn't get your heart rate up. Then the issue of alcohol. I was asked how many units I drank in the last two weeks - I stupidly TOLD THE TRUTH. Turns out I had three bottles of wine which was 27 units - (you are allowed 14 per week) but as I said I'd drank them in one weekend as I'd been at a party I was also classed as a binge drinker. My weight was 2lbs over in the obese category from being plain old over weight. I could see the nurse was pissed off she didn't get a full house when I said I didn't smoke! So I came home and vented - I was livid. I then invented Lumpy Potato Lady the plan was I would turn into a French Fry - eerrr this hasn't happened...... yet. I'd love to tell you I'm now super slim but sadly since crisps and wine are still readily available I feel this may never happen.
I have plans to do a few cards for Lumpy as I love her and think she is very relatable. Hope you likee. Follow me at @lumpypotatolady on insta #lumpypotatolady